Thank you all for your comments and input. From the previous working group, it seems like there is a general concensus that: - 'Time' should be used when the rule...
@schnuerle thanks for going through it! I have completed them. I am not sure who added the 3 examples at the bottom but I have left them there.
Just a note, Tiered Parking Fees was not part of the discussion and so has been removed. We have: > 1. Operating Area > 2. No Riding > 3. No...
After the discussion in the working group, I propose that we keep the definitions of the 2 main definitions of use cases that were discussed: 1. Operating area: _The vehicle...
After all these discussions, it seems like the agreement that we have come to is: | Rule | Definition of use case | Recommendation -- | -- | -- |...
Hi @nelsonsantryl @schnuerle @jean-populus We (Blue Systems) already have a way of working with dwell times that we can propose.
Done @schnuerle @marie-x @jean-populus