James Cor
James Cor
Hey @sergeycherepanov, the fix for this should be in our latest release
My reserved and unreserved words PRs mostly solve this; they were focused on preventing reserved words in MySQL from parsing in Dolt without backquotes, allowing unreserved words in MySQL to...
I believe this PR I have will fix it: https://github.com/dolthub/go-mysql-server/pull/1229 I'm still testing and double checking that everything is right
The fix for this along with [tests](https://github.com/dolthub/dolt/blob/main/go/libraries/doltcore/sqle/enginetest/dolt_queries.go#L3626) have made it to main.
Hello @pbowyer and @ajeloy, I just merged a fix for this (mostly) to main, and it'll be in the release for dolt coming out today (`v0.50.16`)! Currently, prefix indexes are...
The `.doltcfg` is meant to hold all the different files that contain data we want to persist for a server. Right now, it only holds the `privileges.db` file. `privileges.db` is...
Hello @bojanz, the code here has changed a bit since this issue was last touched on, and it appears that at some point this issue was resolved. Here is an...
Hey @zennetizen, the fix for this has made its way to main. Expect a dolt release sometime this week. We now support the ability to configure `@@sql_mode` to enforce `ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY`,...
`dolt dump` already has a `--batch` option that I think accomplishes what you want https://docs.dolthub.com/cli-reference/cli#dolt-dump
It's on by default on main, will have a release for that some time by end of the week