Same question: how to implement the inverse operation "dct2jpeg"
Looking forward to your reply, thanks for your sharing!!
Anyone reproduced the results or solved the negative loss issue?
> Hello, it takes about 39 hours on 8xA100 for [DiffusionDet-COCO-Res50](https://github.com/ShoufaChen/DiffusionDet/blob/main/configs/diffdet.coco.res50.yaml). Thanks for your information.
Thanks for your attention. I cannot guarantee the training code release as this work is with the company, where the techniques are under patent filing and the release requires their...
Hi, Similar to previous UDG works, we select a model for a particular testing dataset (e.g. Cityscapes). And following previous UDA works, we directly use the validation set to conduct...
Hi, You could randomly sample some images as the subset. Besides, you could leave your email address and I will generate a image list and send it to you. Jiaxing
Hi, we have uploaded the code that convert Mapillary labels into Cityscapes label space. Please find it in: CVRN/data loader and processing/init_vistas2cityscapes_format.py Thanks!
Hi, we have uploaded these two files onto Google Drive. You could generate them by yourself or download them via the Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fx9MHXQkIfKpKVDJ1B_drHx5ueocZfkG/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e0-ru0QF1TEc9IlOJIqrUiw6bMDDEWYp/view?usp=sharing