Does anyone know if there is a workaround to this issue? I'm currently experiencing the same issue within Kibana (I'm running CentOS 7 w/ docker vulnwhisperer. If no workaround, any...
@SHolzhauer thanks for the info that’s exactly my problem. I’m new to ELK & not sure how to update the index to use the ELK7 vulnwhisperer json file. I’ll keep...
@SHolzhauer I read through the Slack channel post that you referenced and started going through it today & ran into the following error with step 1: curl --user --location -k...
@SHolzhauer - command should read: curl --user username --location -k --request PUT 'https://hostname:9200/logstash-vulnwhisperer-2020.01/_settings' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "settings": { "index.blocks.write": "true" } }'