John Sloan
John Sloan
Thanks for the quick reply, @valich. I'm working on a gem that will generate sequence diagrams from ruby code, and am interested in seeing how this effort might help inform...
What I'm struggling with currently is to determine the sender of a message. It's fairly straightforward to know who received a given message, but the sender seems to be tricky....
@bkeepers @pholleran What are your thoughts on this: - We add `updated_at` and `updated_by` to `settings.yml`. - The `settings` app is installed on the .github repo as well as all...
Actually... Maybe instead of the `updated` fields, we just keep track of `base_commit`, which is the latest hash from `probot-config`. And we update that with a PR.
I agree that this does not seem to work.
@dimberman we noticed the same problem. If you still prefix your test names with `test_`, then PyCharm will pick those up and let you run them individually. They will also...
I just got Cognito auth working myself. I ran into some strange issues for a while, and then it worked. I'm not sure what I did that finally made it...
@XDIJK if this works for you, I'll see about making a contribution updating some docs about authenticating with Cognito.
A couple of questions to consider, @KevUp @XDIJK 1. How are you accessing the variable after setting it? 1. Have you tried setting a header on the request directly instead?...
I'm still seeing the same issue with the same branch on my Apple Silicon machine, but there is way too much coming up in that log for me to share...