James Rosewell
James Rosewell
Thanks for confirming. Not yet looked at solving it. I'm concerned it's interfering with treeshaking and resulting in larger than required modules.
Issues looks like it's related to this line. https://github.com/InteractiveAdvertisingBureau/iabtcf-es/blob/49972aa9d6f8d1373a32ef2a759615e213388241/modules/core/src/encoder/field/VendorVectorEncoder.ts#L2 I don't have the time to get a build environment working to make a PR. Others?
The W3C is an industry body which brings together a range of competitors and industry players in order to develop standards. As such, it falls within something akin to a...
In response to @cwilso in this thread and in relation to my initial post on [FLoC](https://discourse.wicg.io/t/proposal-federated-learning-of-cohorts-floc/4473/9) following initial analysis of the [Texas vs Google](https://github.com/w3c/w3process/files/5709978/Texas.vs.Google.20201216_1.Complaint.Redacted.pdf) [10 US States] filing on 16th...
@michaelchampion Thank you for the background and clarity. Please don’t misunderstand me. Both me and the organisations I’m involved with are pro privacy. We think the best option to protect...
It would be fair and reasonable to agree that allegations that are not based on fact or evidence are not proof - they would merely be allegations. But the allegations...
@dwsinger at least one comment has been deleted from this issue which I suspect explains your observation. @dwsinger the bullying to which I refer is generally at an organisational level...
Given recent events, the W3C must now make a decision that will impact not only the future of the web, but the reputation of the W3C. W3C process is designed...
@frivoal These issues have been raised via the ombuds process. The ombudsperson has done nothing. As in this particular case I do not mind raising the subject publicly via online...
A "supermajority" would need to be defined in the W3C Process document.