James Woglom

Results 53 comments of James Woglom

There are some problems currently with loading contacts from signal-cli -- it doesn't seem to pre-populate the contacts list anymore in the config file -- which are likely causing this...

Sounds like it... If for some reason signal-cli doesn't load your contacts and save them in the json file, then when we try and read them in, signal-curses will run...

This might not be the actual problem, but is `pip` referring to your python2 or python3 install? On debian you likely need to specify `pip3` explicitly.

Make sure you've installed all of the dependencies referenced in the readme: https://github.com/jwoglom/signal-curses/blob/master/README.md

@rpdelaney feel free to make a PR -- I haven't had a chance to work on this project in a little while so contributions are welcome.

per latest commit signal-curses is licensed GPL3 @rpdelaney

Sounds like the same issue as @7, just applied to Python 3.8 rather than 3.7. Can you try my fork of npyscreen (https://github.com/jwoglom/npyscreen) which on [line 18 of apNPSApplicationEvents.py does...

@reardenlife The contacts list piggybacks off of the contacts which are delivered to it via Signal. so if you have the application on your phone, then any contacts/threads should hopefully...

@WangElectronics I have not been able to get dbus working properly on macos in some time -- it is quite finicky. Not sure where to lead you from there. Make...

This has to do with some changes in how signal-cli represents contact and group data on disk. Hoping to do some refactoring work in signal-curses to better handle these issues...