Johannes Kohnen

Results 6 comments of Johannes Kohnen

For folks who come here by Google search etc and have trouble building this binary: Go modules solve all build issues because @equinox0815 already went through the trouble for us...

@hlandau please please merge in #326.

If you don't want to compile yourself, but just want to download a binary from a trusted source, you can unpack the acmetool binary from debian testing directly: ``` joh@xanos:/tmp$...

Having version information of the main module in the binary is a hard problem in Go at the moment: The author of acmetool has "solved" that in a ......

I have climbed the call stack from [`app/carbonzipper.App.renderHandler()`]( and came along [`pkg/backend.Renders()`]( It calls a bunch of `pkb/backend/Backend.Render()` in a goroutine and then waits in a loop for each of...

I assume the above is a screenshot of Jetbrains font test scratch pad with the following non-ligatured characters: ``` abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 (){}[] +-*/= .,;:!? #&$%@|^