Julien Wintz

Results 20 comments of Julien Wintz

> something went wrong with the merge of master in this branch. In master I moved the elpi-trace-elaborator to src/ (but after the merge it is both in ./ and...

> The old branch is at `feature/docold`. I did rebase this one and force pushed. Fine to me !

Final preview before submitting MR on `feature/doc`: http://dream.inria.fr/elpi. * https://gitlab.inria.fr/jwintz/elpi/-/commit/e7a3399e5674d3c639fcf190ac0a069abc056014 * https://gitlab.inria.fr/jwintz/elpi/-/commit/8ee20ba5db4f499306c6c12c531c5559ed373497 - Apply elpi syntax highlighting - Embed dune build $(DUNE_OPTS) @doc output - Add a regexp based validation...

Merge requested: https://github.com/LPCIC/elpi/pull/152.

Alright, I didn't get the intent for the assertion at first. So if it is a matter of integration through the examples, we can surely disseminate `sys.exit(code)` statements in the...

Fine by me ! It was more a matter of understanding ... I just find it strange to click on such a text to end up on a step which...

My config is as follows: ```elisp (def-package! org-caldav :config (setq plstore-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t) (setq org-caldav-url "https://zimbra.inria.fr/dav") (setq org-caldav-calendar-id "[email protected]/Calendar") (setq org-caldav-inbox (expand-file-name "~/Org/calendar.org")) (setq org-icalendar-timezone "Europe/Paris") (setq org-caldav-save-directory (expand-file-name doom-cache-dir)) :commands...

Thanks @grauschnabel, the `org-caldav-save-directory` is persistent. My last sync was better, the number of events fell dow from 4K to 1K, which all end up as failures (HTTPS forbidden -...

Thanks for your prompt answer, Of course I will ! Some renaming to do, but it’ll be fine. I’ll PR your soon ! Maybe tomorrow ! - ju > On...

Yes ! Great work, love the resizing feature. As for the widgets, I've added the following: * integration of `persp-mode.el`: based on a `save-directory-dir` variable, globs (using `f.el`) all files...