Jordan Williams

Results 128 comments of Jordan Williams

Thanks! I'm using an atmega328p on a breadboard, so I'd have to add a board definition for it.

@kingosticks Thanks. I've opened an [issue]( in GStreamer.

I was able to hash out a working solution downstream... but I pretty much have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to Javascript. And that is doubly true...

Wouldn't that be an issue even if the assertion was not fatal or am I missing something?

Aww, I see what you mean. What if a user wants helpful error information when a fatal assertion occurs? This is my use case.

This appears to come down to a ease-of-use / safety problem. A user could just workaround this situation by using an `if` statement to log output and then explicitly fail...

Following the XDG spec is important for people taking snapshots / backups of their home directory. By not following the XDG spec, storage can quickly and unexpectedly fill up. While...

When I have time, I'll see if I can build it 👍

@tom-james-watson Thanks for the link. I was able to get everything working and running in the dev environment. On the default Manjaro KDE distribution on the Pinebook Pro, I installed...

The app works great in dev mode (`npm run dev`). Running `npm run package` produces an AppImage which also works great!