When it happened to me, I tried all different formats and it was never accepted. This is an old screen shot so it was not a date in the past...
I'm afraid to change it out since I don't know what he did to it. I will take a look at the input.
Input form // php ```php ``` // javascript/ajax ```js function evaluateField(obj){ var jObj = $(obj); if(jObj.attr("RequiredDisplayName") != ""){ jObj.css("border-color", ($.trim(jObj.val()) == "" ? "red" : "#b3c0e2 #bcc5e2 #c0ccea")); } function...
Most of the orders go through ok. It is a very rare problem (I HOPE!) I can't get the input to show but it's there.
What is card.js expecting to receive? Card.prototype.attachHandlers = function() { var expiryFilters, numberInputFilters; numberInputFilters = [this.validToggler('cardNumber')]; if (this.options.masks.cardNumber) { numberInputFilters.push(this.maskCardNumber); } bindVal(this.$numberInput, this.$numberDisplay, { fill: false, filters: numberInputFilters }); QJ.on(this.$numberInput,...
Ok thank you for your help
Ok I do see that the error message that says "Please provide valid expiration year." is coming back from Authorize net. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.