Jeremy White
Jeremy White
Ok, @aowen87 , I finally made some headway here. Part of the problem appears to be pgen calling mpi ends up setting a bunch of mpi related env vars which...
Well, this sounds like an interesting development! So, I do have a few comments/questions on future tasks that may impact this, and more general questions on what you might need...
> I'm running out the door for a quick run, but some quick answers (and can follow up with more detail where needed) > > > For the resource specification,...
> @jwhite242 -- Is this a dead end at this point? We're assessing Maestro and it's looking like DFS would be good on our end too. Wondering just in case...
@FrankD412, @bgunnar5, @jsemler Think this is finally ready for another pass/real review. An interesting question left (beyond any implementation issues/comments) is what to do about the spec. I refactored it...
actually, just had another thought that might fit nicer, expanding it and making the value more of a 'oneOf' type, so either value or expression, making it more clear that...
> actually, just had another thought that might fit nicer, expanding it and making the value more of a 'oneOf' type, so either value or expression, making it more clear...
> @jwhite242 the Hermit team is interested in something like that. @doutriaux1 What kind of needs are there on the 'restart' behavior? There's a few cases here i think: *...
Alright, WIP status removed, time for reviewing this beast
Alright, first pass at addressing review comments (thanks @doutriaux1 !). And one followup there to the question on host in the batch block that's not really addressed in the docs:...