Jim Weston
Jim Weston
Not sure how he found the files in the Zip ... it contains the Korean Language ... obviously I would prefer english.
I changed this line in the Docker Container in /app/amcrest2mqtt.py (Not the Image... not really a Docker Guru or a Python Programmer for that matter) (I know if I do...
Well I can tell you ... if you click it too many times and you have IP Ban setup.... it does... :)
Well Found it in 2022.8 beta 0... but I just checked my Production system and its in 2022.7.4 as well... just a FYI
:raising_hand_man: Me Too! --
the failed attempts are also being logged in the supervisor log and pretty much makes it unusable ...
@Calimerorulez Do you still have Analytics Turned ON in the Settings? If you Do but Your Ad Blocking DNS is Still Blocking a427061.ingest.sentry.io... you WILL still see the requests in...
This problem is related to issue " Post sent to supervisor is invalid (unix2dos not working) #60" as I had it when Supervisor got updated to 2023.07.2 version of Supervisor.......