Jonah Werre

Results 32 issues of Jonah Werre

A README.txt detailing how to use this would be helpful to use doxygen noobs. Thanks

It would be nice if we could create and IAM Role and attach it to the Ghost server. I tried this and got an `InternalServerError: Access Denied`

It would be nice to be able to use YAML in `.nsprc` config file.

help wanted
good first issue

I've notice that `slugify` (v3.3.4) removes all punctuation except apostrophes. ``` _.slugify("this can't be right... do you, \"think\"?") 'this-can-t-be-right-do-you-think' ^---- this should be removed ```

``` module.exports = function ordinal(num) { var suffix=["th","st","nd","rd"], val=num%100; return num+(suffix[(val-20)%10]||suffix[val]||suffix[0]); }; _.ordinal(1) // 1st _.ordinal(2) // 2nd _.ordinal(3) // 3rd _.ordinal(4) // 4th ```

Added ignore parameter to stripTags function ``` _('hello world').stripTags('') ``` will produce: ``` hello world ``` passing keyword 'inline' will ignore all inline elements ``` _('hello world').stripTags('inline') ```

Updated README so it a little easier to navigate.

Should be able to securely add base64 encoded images to links. Something like this: replace: with: let re = /^\s*data:([a-z]+\/[a-z]+(;[a-z-]+=[a-z-]+)?)?(;base64)?,[a-z0-9!$&',()*+,;=\-._~:@/?%\s]*\s*$/i; if (!state.parser.validateLink(link) && !link.match(re) ) { return false; }

When creating the following table using percent widths it works fine in Word but doesn't in Google Docs or Apple Pages: ```js const fs = require('fs'); const {execSync} = require('child_process');...

Since I've upgraded to v0.9 I've notice ratios are automatic whether I use the --ratios/--retina flag or not. Is there a way to disable ratios so I don't end up...