Justin Weisz
Justin Weisz
@ljmwaugh verified that the 3D print was updated for Pi 4, which means that the laser cuts need to be updated for Pi 4. @jweisz will speak to the person...
Blocked because there are no Pi Zero 2's available in the world anywhere whatsoever.
Cesar will own this, he experimented with OpenCV, will train an object detection model for the RPi
@cmaciel is getting 1.1-1.5 FPS with a pre-trained model (MobileNet, has 90 classes of objects) on a RPi 3. He will re-train the model to focus only on objects found...
Oops, the model was trained but the data labels were missing! :D
Need to create a list of common household items to train a new model. Maybe focus the model on rock, paper, scissors? Maybe tjbotlib has generic functions for loading local...
I propose a two-part solution for the elimination of Watson Visual Recognition: 1. Remove the `see()` functionality from tjbotlib and add a `look()` function which just takes a picture and...
"Slowly but surely working on it". Trying to figure out how to detect what hardware is plugged in.
"Oh man." Detecting GPIO pins is essentially impossible without crashing the RPi. So we will just try to detect a bluetooth speaker and microphone (but we cannot detect analog speaker).