Certainly. This is a project that is populated using Google's [repo](https://source.android.com/setup/develop#repo) tool to manage a collection of git repositories (14 at the moment). The layout is like what you'd see...
It is unclear to me what is unique . I have the same 2 git projects indexed successfully on a different branch. The one that fails has content from the...
Ok, I think I understand the trigger. First, to answer your questions. 1. I copied the source separately, removed the .git and indexed. Works fine, so content itself is ok....
Jumping into this issue with a 'me too' on the shutdown. I see it on a semi-regular basis over the past 3 releases minimum. Maybe once every two days I'll...
Until a fix is in place, I ended up doing: ``` docker update --restart=always ``` and that has helped. Had one recovery since my last manual restart two days ago:...