Jan Wedel

Results 8 issues of Jan Wedel

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am running multiple recognize jobs on multiple workers. It is very hard to implement a simple progress bar for...

*This issue is just a placeholder for future considerations regarding this topic.* [Project Loom](https://openjdk.java.net/projects/loom/) is an OpenJDK project that aims to provide support for [Continuations ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuation) and Fibers in the...

in: messaging
in: web
in: core
type: enhancement

Hi, I just had a problem, where I could run the EUnit tests only once, and actually, the output was not complete: ``` Starting tests (SublimErl v0.5.1). Running test "device_consumer_test:all_tests_test_/0"...

# Feature request As a user, I want to see the request for a month, week or day that sums up all requests in that time period. ## Details Currently,...

# Feature Request I just built a feature for my blog called "Top articles". I thought how to implement it and pretty quickly came to the conclusion that request has...

We are using influxdb testcontainers 1.16.3. The default influxdb version is 1.4.3. When we update it to 1.7.11 to match our prod DB, the tests often fail locally (Windows), but...


### Feature Proposal ## Proposal I propose to to add a new `fontStyle` property (or something similar) to the [LegendItem interface](https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/api/interfaces/LegendItem.html). This should allow at least the following values: -...

type: enhancement

### What would you like? When running "all specs", I would like to see the same status information as when running single spec files, just one level "higher". More specifically,...

type: feature
experimental: run all specs