> In the new release, I cant fint the program to start the sda. Do I need to download something else to be able to run the app? https://gyazo.com/6c49e7ff7fb42e70a782dbce9a7d4d93 download...
> 同样的问题 昨天的版本可以添加 > > Steam Desktop Authenticator/LoginForm.cs 将第215行的“default:”注释掉即可 this change is not working for me because my account is not linked phone number, this change should work for account...
use http is not safe
> > It's already fixed on library node-steamcommunity (NodeJS). All changes here [DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity@6e19ffd](https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/commit/6e19ffd93bd5d629c005abc963b97ed1fe11b4bc) > > how can I use this? need integrate with electron can use
> Just to be clear, The steam api requires the language field to match the phone number's country code? Seems like an odd restriction. What happens if you just add...