
Results 5 comments of jvrsgsty

@kurenn @thelastinuit @infused @hiimtaylorjones Are you still maintaining this? Any plans to support Rails 5 soon?

My fork (https://github.com/jvrsgsty/sabisu-rails/) naively updates the `.gemspec` and appears to be working. I couldn't test it out fully, since I created my Rails 5 app using the `api` flag, so...

Glad it worked out for you, @dtonal ! Let me know if you run into any issues, still haven't had the chance to thoroughly try this out myself...

@quangrau What version of `sass-rails` are you specifying on your `Gemfile`? It seems to be working on my project with `gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0'`

@Amincd I will have to get back to you on that, since I am a bit swamped at the moment. Ideally you shouldn't have to modify furrato's source, though perhanps...