Joerg von Roos
Joerg von Roos
Had to add to "build.sbt": lazy val root = (project in file(".")) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.lihaoyi" %% "scalatex-site" % "0.4.1", "com.lihaoyi" %% "scalatex-api" % "0.4.1" ) )
Tried: ```test @lnk("Scalatex", "")``` not found: value lnk ```test @a("Scalatex-", href := "") ``` is ok
With CR + LF I got: <div></div> Hello World <h1></h1> I am a cow!
The Demo uses the styles.7da76b9a9ca9e0adee15.css file, which contains: normalize.css v8.0.1 Blueprint CSS v2.5.4 Blueprint CSS 3.1.1 but the last one is NOT identical to one hosted at[email protected]/dist/blueprint.min.css or[email protected]/dist/blueprint.css...
package should be: package catseffecttutorial not package catseffecttutorial.copyfile otherwise the call: "runMain catseffecttutorial.CopyFile origin.txt destination.txt" as documented in: fails!
Objects extending app are not executed in the REPL example: in variances.ipynb object CovarianceTest extends App { ... -> defined object CovarianceTest but nothing happens! but adding: CovarianceTest.main(Array.empty) -> Whiskers...