João Vortmann

Results 7 comments of João Vortmann

Note: we catch and log these right now but we decided to fix the used version to `< 0.12.0` for safety. We also used a wapper so we can catch...

@etagwerker I believe this is fixed on `active_record` adapter on but we need a new version of database-cleaner released with a loosen restriction on otherwise we can't update...

Just to clarify the original intent if this happens to be reopen or re-evaluated: The intent was to help users of `Rdkafka` to on specific exceptions for errors coming from...

@abevoelker I'm getting a `found unpermitted param token` error when clicking on a expired link instead of a nice message. Its not a redirect issue but I don't seem to...

I've solved by adding `:token` to `devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_in, keys: %i[... token])` and adding an empty assign method to the resource class like `def token=(token); end`

Unfortunately I can't, but there is no client side code or configuration added from the default. We added as alternative to the password login. The `magic_ling_authenticatable` is added after the...