Same issue, @evgenyneu. In tvOS I cannot seem to select the rating view. I can only display the rating.
I just used GestureRecognizers to achieve similar functionality. Once I'm better with Swift I may be able to add the functionality.
Add some callbacks to report the status of the plugin. Example: ``` NativeAudio.preloadComplex('uniqueId1', 'assets/test.mp3', 1, 1, 0, function(success){ console.log(success); }, function(err) { console.warn(err); }); ``` Do the same for the...
I also wanted to request manual dispatch capability, but I wasn't sure if I should make it a separate ticket. I apologise for immediately unloading this onto you instead of...
I'm not sure this is related to vue-grid-layout. It looks to me whenever the viewport is resized, the dynamic component executes `loadComponent()`. While I saw `loadComponent()` triggered multiple times as...
Can you send me a codepen or something where this issue occurs?
OK. I can actually see it. The components are definitely not re-rendering, but every time a resize event gets triggered. I'll see if I can figure something out.
The attached example is using `react-grid-layout`. Did you mean to post this in `vue-grid-layout`?
Can you provide a more specific **Expected Behaviour** and the **Actual Behaviour** so I can understand what's wrong? Granted, I am not the developer, but what I see in the...
I've tested this in Chrome using Vue 2.6.14 and vue-grid-layout 2.3.12 and I cannot reproduce. It is very likely a browser issue since you are not specifying tab indexes in...