Jules Villard

Results 53 comments of Jules Villard

With 5a5349b1b392692df03dabb9b750b4943fa7cad6 the Unix-specific parts of Core are more clearly split into various _unix modules, which should simplify the job of this PR.

We don't have a Kotlin version at Facebook.

@puyang0521 the infer binary is bin/infer in the extracted archive.

@rahul-malik I would recommend using compilation dbs to integrate with Bazel. I don't think infer can reasonably support a large range of build systems "natively". Going through an intermediate compilation...

@shs96c Is there any issue with getting the clang database out then passing that to `infer capture --compilation-database compile_commands.json`?

There is no such option at the moment. Can you say more about why you'd want to do this? You can post-process the json to get rid of them (for...

Could it be that the macro is compiled out so infer doesn't see the use of the variable inside of it? Is there a way for you to build with...

Hi @cdisselkoen, thanks for your question. GitHub is our only place for questions at the moment so you were right to ask here. `__set_array_length` affects bufferoverrun and biabduction, as you...

You can pass the list of modified files to infer with `--changed-files-index` so that it only analyses what is needed for these files. It will still "build" (capture) all the...