Thanks Alexander! The default model with "-m 2 -go PS_EMA on" (was planning to make this the default) seems to find a few more messages (33->41) but still worse than...
I extracted a problematic example ([example1.raw](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hsxpgK4dnkG3H92V-4t8kXU4E7KbQ-2X/view?usp=sharing)) from the file and looked through my collection of recordings for other broadcasters for which the default model did perform worse than the FM...
Thanks for the suggestion. Do you have an example, description or paper how that would work? Of course you can run multiple instances of AIS-catcher on one PC but that...
Thanks, was planning to play a bit with multiple SDRs anyway, so will take this thought into account. Thanks again.
It is on the to-do list.. Might take a while though.
Hi Roger, great idea!
Thanks both. I had a test with the following NMEA line from [here]( !AIVDM,1,1,,B,1>MA>E>P000NoHHMEB=P0?wt1t00,0*4C): ``` !AIVDM,1,1,,B,1>MA>E>P000NoHHMEB=P0?wt1t00,0*4C ``` It did not display as a AIS-SART alert if I give this as...
Yes, 970 is the device and status 14 is typically used if a SAR is in progress. So red diamond will only tell you if it comes from a SAR...
I started a simple page (for now) that tracks ships for which the status is changing to SAR/Aground/Not Under Command. Let's see how this will populate over time and how...
I removed the "Not under command" alerts, is not an interesting event. But at the same time added a list to track status changes for particular ships. For example the...