Results 5 comments of Julian Thilo

Installing Jekyll doesn't create any files in the current command line path. The installation will take place in Ruby's gem folder. What happens if you run `jekyll new mytestsite` on...

AFAIK, changes to environment vars like PATH are picked up even without a restart of the entire system; just open a new command line. Not sure however, if previously opened...

To clarify, you checked the "Add Ruby executables to your PATH" box during setup, right? (Or kept it checked.) Could this be affected by whether or not the installation is...

Oops, I totally misread the issue as being about PATH missing Ruby after installation. Sorry! I'm gonna check out your link and probably add a note about this to the...

The `1 Ruby` step of the guide promotes RubyInstaller for Windows, which, to the best of my knowledge, installs Ruby, RubyGems, and a few basic gems for convenience. I guess...