# Related issue Closes #2421 # Scope of work # Screenshots of visual changes # Checklist - [ ] No commented blocks of code left - [ ] Run tests...
# Related issue Closes # # Scope of work # Screenshots of visual changes # Checklist - [ ] No commented blocks of code left - [ ] Run tests...
# Related issue Closes #2415 # Scope of work # Screenshots of visual changes # Checklist - [ ] No commented blocks of code left - [ ] Run tests...
**Describe how this feature will help us improve** We can change .png and .jpg on .webp and reduce size of images ┆Issue is synchronized with this [Jira Zadanie](https://vsf.atlassian.net/browse/SFUI-196) by [Unito](https://www.unito.io)
**Describe the bug** SfButton has a new prop aria-label with its default value which will override a text passed by slot. An example is on SfButton but the rest of...
**Describe how this feature will help us improve** it is used to detect if the user has requested that the system minimize the amount of non-essential motion it uses. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-reduced-motion...
There should be checkout pages on a nuxt branch for testing purposes. We should be able to test the whole process. It should look like it's on Storybook. ┆Issue is...
**Describe the bug** There are significant differences between SfSelect and SfInput styles (i.e. margins, padding, fonts also for labels). When both are added and are near each other we can...
### 🔗 Linked issue https://vsf.atlassian.net/browse/SMT-48 ### ❓ Type of change - [ ] 📖 Documentation (updates to the documentation, readme or JSDoc annotations) - [ ] 🐞 Bug fix (a...