Tom Chapman

Results 23 issues of Tom Chapman

This is a docs suggestion. I've been investigating these features for the past day and in addition to I'd like to make the following suggestion. SPAs will reload when...


I've built a collection for a client who is obsessed with custom metadata. The best fit for them was to use a bunch of M2Ms. Retrieving this data through the...


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If a user wants to retrieve history from a particular period, they need to increment their way there via the page param. Depending on number of activities played, that could...

For Destiny2.GetActivityHistory endpoint, add a total results available property to Destiny.HistoricalStats.DestinyActivityHistoryResults for pagination purposes. Currently, I request Destiny2.GetHistoricalStats _and_ Destiny2.GetActivityHistory, grabbing total value from `activitiesEntered`. It'd be a great convenance...

> GENERAL ACTIVITIES > - On most activities that feature multiple Champion types, we now display a single combined activity modifier (e.g., Barrier and Unstoppable as a single icon) instead...

bug filed

This point of pain goes way back and I feel it's long overdue. #580, #1030 > Would it be possible to return the time in which each set of data...

As is done for Last Wish, Vault of Glass, europa descent whatever it's called, also do for `1925223180`. The only other raid that's missing this data (_and_ a milestone) is...

bug filed

Member 4611686018489556778 recently opened various region chests in the Dreaming City (past few days) and their checklist is not updating. Could be related to other checklist/game item visibility issues. Apparently,...

bug filed