Zainul Setyo Pamungkas
Zainul Setyo Pamungkas
The same thing happened with my PSV 3.65. I tried several wifi, even with mobile phone hotspot with / without VPN. In my case it was 0x80431075
@dennischua1992 Thank you for pointing it out. I followed [this answer]( and it works.
thanks @joe-3coast it works :)
Have you set up application url in setting?
I thing you have to setup into something like It worked for me
XAMPP on windows
The same thing happened with my PSV 3.65. I tried several wifi, even with mobile phone hotspot with / without VPN. In my case it was 0x80431075 I was using...
I don't think installing db administration tool such as phpPgAdmin or PHPMyAdmin is need. You can always use desktop client such as [pgadmin]( or [sequelpro for mysql]( if you don't...