get-the-image copied to clipboard
Get the Image WordPress plugin.
Under PHP 7.3, the method for generating the cache key throws PHP Notices: ``` [28-Nov-2019 10:33:03 UTC] PHP Notice: compact(): Undefined variable: post_id in /path/to/get-the-image.php on line 307 [28-Nov-2019 10:33:03...
"Preview Could Not Be Loaded" error in the Elementor editor with GTI activated.
I'm rewriting this entire project as a new script called Hybrid Carbon. You can find the repo here: Get the Image (GTI) has served as both a standalone plugin...
I try to add atribut to my image: ``` get_the_image( array( 'meta_key' => 'Large', 'size' => 'large-img', 'link_to_post' => false, 'image_attr' => array( 'data-pin-nopin' => 'true', ), )); ``` but...
When getting an attachment's caption, we should switch to using `wp_get_attachment_caption()` so that the core hooks fire. See: Also, this would bump the minimum version of the plugin to...
Hi Justin, Saw that you just updated `get-the-image` and so we decided we'd like to start using if your our projects, but found that you don't supply a `composer.json` file....
The FAQ in the `readme.txt` links to the Breadcrumb Trail repo's ``. Need to point it to this repo.
use proper key to cache images and don't cache when `$args['cache']` is set to `false`
`_get_image_attachment()` could get called with an invalid `$attachment_id` parameter value (for example, when the `get_scan_image()` method extracts an image, the method will pass the complete match first (not just the...