Justin Tennant

Results 11 comments of Justin Tennant

Stringless can't work out-of-the-box with Blender, but you could develop a script, Blender Add-on, or feature within the Blender binary to read from the shared memory that the Stringless server...

Revisiting this now, I figure having a clear outline of how the Stringless Reader works would be helpful: ----- https://github.com/justint/stringless/blob/master/stringless-maya/src/StringlessMayaDevice.cc#L92 Above is the Maya plug-in code to read the data...

Hey, thanks for opening up this issue. I currently don't have a Maya license available so I'll see about acquiring the trial version and testing this out soon.

Hey, thanks a bunch for the contributions. I should have some time to take a look in the next couple of weeks.

The dark theming & usage of the CSS custom properties looks great. We should adjust some of the dark theme colors to meet the [AA contrast ratio minimums](https://web.dev/color-and-contrast-accessibility/). I can...

Ah interesting, I've been able to see the current anchor links myself on hover; I'm using Google Chrome. Are you on a different browser? Will get to the color contrast...

Ok, I've updated the colors to be AA contrast compliant. However, I've just noticed the current code highlighting is a bit of an eyesore in dark mode: ![Capture](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7485210/159144344-e829aa4a-4c08-420a-babd-e4864f42f60d.JPG) It's easy...

Hey @opeik, my apologies for ghosting this thread. I think providing dark/light themes for papaya would indeed be really nice, I'm going to re-open this and look into supporting custom...

Following [Peter's instructions in the IntelliJ Platform IDE Support Forum on creating a PSI from a binary file](https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/207944949/comments/209683889), I've had limited success getting this to work: - I've written a...

This feature has been a long saga for me, with sadly no promising results of a perfect solution. Since my last comment in 2020, I've made the following attempt with...