Justin Fenn
Justin Fenn
It looks like we can't currently play uploaded videos on Apple devices (for iOS at least--I haven't been able to test with desktop Safari). I think this is because the...
RFE: systemd-homed: support v2 fscrypt policies that do not require keyring inheritance for access
**systemd version the issue has been seen with** > systemd 247 (247.2-1-arch) **Used distribution** > Arch Linux **Linux kernel version used** (`uname -a`) > 5.10.7-arch1-1 **CPU architecture issue was seen...
Using these settings, oauth-requests (with header_auth=True) and this [oauth signer](http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/javascript/example/signature.html) produce different signatures: ``` url: http://api.v3.factual.com/multi parameters: queries=%7B%22query1%22%3A%22%2Ft%2Fplaces%3Ffilters%3D%257B%2522postcode%2522%253A%252290067%2522%257D%22%2C%22query2%22%3A%22%2Ft%2Fplaces%2Ffacets%3Ffilters%3D%257B%2522postcode%2522%253A%252290067%2522%257D%26select%3Dcategory%22%7D consumer key: key consumer secret: secret # token and token secret are...