Justin Johnson
Justin Johnson
In case it is helpful, that repo has Rexbug printing out a trace to help quickly see each function's arguments and return value.
I see now that if I install elixir from source (e.g. with `asdf install elixir ref:HEAD`) the tests pass. Would it make sense to 1) call this out in the...
Yeah, I like the idea of having the editors download the source. It would alleviate tickets like https://github.com/JakeBecker/vscode-elixir-ls/issues/123. I'm willing to try to tackle this for vscode-elixir-ls, for what it's...
The changes I made at https://github.com/justincjohnson/phoenix_live_view/commit/615666be030089338116b866173fd0ed30030c5b seem to fix the problem for me, but again, note that I'm not familiar with this code. 😬 Also this wasn't an attempt to...
As an update, I still have this problem in 0.14.8.
@achedeuzot nope, that doesn't change anything for me. Thanks for the suggestion though. 🤝
Would it be possible for someone from the core team for this project to comment on this? I don't ask that in an entitled manner. 🙏🏻 I'd just like to...
This is still broken for me. 😭 I pushed changes to my `sandbox` repo above to use a local clone of `phoenix_live_view` sitting at the same level as my sandbox...
I'm still getting the error @josevalim. Is this the right way to reference a local JS dependency for `phoenix_live_view`? https://github.com/justincjohnson/sandbox/blob/master/assets/package.json#L12
From a look at the JS it seems I was doing the right thing, as I saw the definition of the new showErrors function and the calling of the function....