am-i-responsive copied to clipboard
A high fidelity preview of your responsive design across Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile.
is updating the device images something you would accept a pull request on?
I visualized that the project needed only a small correction and that is why I suggest this small and simple suggestion to update.
It would be cool if the app would allow you to export a screenshot. Great idea!
## Payload * *,alert(1) *;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgxKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg== * ... ## Fix ``` javascript if(first === "undefined" || first.indexOf('http') === -1) { // Non http(s) protocol // don't do...
When using the tool on a website that only allows HTTPS connections the tool does not seem to work.
The iframes are longer than the device height when you view on the mobile and tablets. This seems to be an issue with the devices itself, not sure why it...
Added some JS so store the positions of the devices (using localStorage) and restore them on reload. So you can arrange the Devices as you like it an reuse this...
I want to add a checkbox next to the input field that will allow you to also pass the url across to Google page speed or something similar to get...
Hi, great tool! I added some code to make "transform: scale" work in IE 6 – 8, too (tested in IE 7 and 8). ``` HTML ``` ``` CSS ```