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SSL/TLS protocol support
When using the tool on a website that only allows HTTPS connections the tool does not seem to work.
The "" domain is on HTTP. The iframes won't load sites that are HTTPS.
Even if the domain was on HTTPS, some sites are setup to not render in an iframe, often using X-Frame-Options headers.
Thanks Kenshub, right you are.
Sites like have the X-Frame-Options headers if you're looking for an example.
It is interesting about the https:// thing though. If I switch this across to https and puchase the certificate will that assist the https rendering?
Yes. If the parent frame is HTTPS, then more HTTPS sites will work. Some browsers also require the correct headers. I believe Safari & maybe IE.
Any updates on this issue? I'm having this problem to =/
No update sorry.
I moved the site across to https:// over a weekend (a couple years back) and it then refused to display any http:// based sites because of cross domain issues. With some https sites having X-Frame-Options set to deny and no http sites working it wasn't worth keeping it on https so I reverted back.