Awesome, thanks 👍
Working, but random freeze in first level. Seems to be looping iver a compute shader ``` G> 00000004 Loaded tiled 1280x720x1 2D k_8_8_8_8 texture with 1 unpacked mip level, base...
Doesn't work anymore on latest release (2021 Feb 01) crashes instantly. Log follows ``` i> 00000278 Build: detached / a6954aced397ea1846379dbb48571a76637dadce on Feb 1 2021 i> 00000278 Storage root: C:\Users\******\Documents\Xenia w>...
Oh indeed, forgot about that oval background. Thanks for pointing out the missing item 👍
Still on the un-sets things. Do you plan to add half symbols, as seen on [Little Girl](https://scryfall.com/card/unh/16/little-girl) ?