Justin Ray
Justin Ray
Using `document.querySelectorAll('head link[rel~="icon"]')` could also be an approach instead of whitelisting. It would select just link tags that contain an `icon` string in the `rel` attribute. Presumably, it would be...
I can confirm this bug as well: Runtime: * VSCode: 1.15.1 * Mac 10.12.6 Extensions: * Editor Config: 0.10.1 * Prettier: 0.21.1 * ESLint: 1.3.2 * Vim: 0.10.1 Only custom...
Updated the twiddle to add a js-based dynamic set. Not sure if it exercises it in the exact way you are thinking about @rwjblue as it is simply updating existing...
d'oh! Can't even use my own twiddle correctly. :facepalm: You're right of course @rwjblue. In researching this yesterday, I saw an approach utilizing a second node to set the `innerHTML`...
That's great! Above and beyond as usual @rwjblue ! I'll look into the sanitization for use in our app. Since there's no context of the general mustache output, probably difficult...
For the sake of ~~me~~ future searchers, I have updated the twiddle with solution, examples, link to this issue, etc. https://ember-twiddle.com/ea4439dcf4e7cce49e09f198aa01550c?openFiles=helpers.translate-html-entities.js%2Ctemplates.components.js-entity-attr.hbs