> It's funny when people use the code from one of the forks and then come here to ask for help. Sorry, where should I ask in the future?
> Well I guess here is the right place since opening an issue in a fork is disabled by default for some reason. > > The main problem with your...
> Can you try running the example in the readme and see if that works? Still generates noise, sadly > ...check if you still have any changes in the .py...
> Try using the .py files from this repository (these should not have the file.lock error). Thank you 🤗 Is there a way to use other models with this? I...
ModuleNotFoundError = pip install [module] "pip install streamlit-drawable-canvas" worked for me, for some reason streamlit-drawable-canvas isn't in the requirements.txt of this program (& to the mods if it's possible, could...