
Results 48 issues of Dan

Latest version of Xcode 14.0 Beta 3 does not like: hexString += String(format: "%02X", bytes[index]). Ambiguous use of 'subscript(_:)'

Really easy question. How do I clear all selected dates?

I must be missing it, but where is the ability to change the background color of the weekday titles?

So using the demo app, if I select a date (using the interface builder controller), the day changes, however, the month does not update unless you scroll left / right?

Is smart image view still being updated/supported. It appears that is has not been updated in years and looking to see if it would handle images and mp4 and AndroidStudio.

Shouldn't Hide Count hide the label and not the badge? (it currently hides the badge and leaves the number) /// Hide the count (Blank Badge). /// Remember this only hide...

how to you set the badge to be upper left corner in the text of a UITableViewCell.textLabel ? I tried setCircleAtFrame and it shows up left but cut off and...

Just tried photo/Instagram. Nothing is being updated? (Text appears to work) Not sure if this helps: ``` default 16:43:26.668345 -0600 Sketch UNIX error exception: 17 default 16:43:26.675389 -0600 Sketch UNIX...

when I attempt to use the hero example, the generated code does not appear to be working? No nav bar and nav options show up as an un-ordered list rather...

I'm going to open this again for the feedback. I love this framework, however with the use of input plugins now, I'm wondering if there is a way to get...

feature request