
Results 15 comments of justchen1369

Memory usage continues to grow well beyond 100MB- I've had to split it up to avoid OOM.

Re: valgrind tests something like this? (with `--tool=massif`) ```bash ==409013== 204,802 bytes in 2 blocks are still reachable in loss record 641 of 644 ==409013== at 0x4843839: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)...

It doesn't seem to be a memory leak, yeah- the problem is the increasing memory usage without bounds. This is especially apparently with millions of requests. Someone reported that a...

Sure. I don't know what's causing the excessive memory usage, however.

This is pure speculation, but is there a buffer somewhere that's not getting cleaned up? Growing memory usage: https://asciinema.org/a/Pvco7kx7gj4cnHIkVAB51xir7

Looks like a good idea is to notify the owners of any broken tutorials and (?) tell them to add the extra step of moving the crouton script to /usr/local.

Just sent a message to the author of the HowToGeek article on crouton.

Buster is available- just plop a `-r buster` in the command(and others are probably available)
