Just Another Foundry
Just Another Foundry
Thanks for the report! Could you try upgrading to Glyphs 2.6.5? That might solve the issue.
Thanks, that’s interesting. This means: - In some cases, Glyphs internally uses `LLONG_MAX`. - In some cases, Glyphs internally uses `NSNotFound` (which is different from `LLONG_MAX`). At least, this is...
Now, that’s confusing. It took me a while to solve that puzzle: • `kerningForFontMasterID:LeftKey:RightKey:direction:` returns a CGFloat a.k.a. double • in my code, checking that returned double against `LLONG_MAX` a.k.a....
Thanks for the explanations. I wouldn’t say comparing floats is _always_ tricky, though. It would have been easy to define a large integer value (one that can be [represented by...
Thanks, very helpful! I just updated the script: https://github.com/justanotherfoundry/freemix-glyphsapp/commit/80dec6116812175cba306ff0ed2339c8ee196618 However, the script now relies on `currentTab.composedLayers` and `currentTab.layers` having the same length and order. If we have a ligature substitution...
@gorjious Not sure I understand. Do you mean the Anchors palette changes the order of the anchors in the font (i.e. modifies the font), or are you talking about the...
So, as far as I understand: - Gor was not satisfied with the display order in the Anchors palette. - Then, without actively using the Anchors palette, he changed the...
Currently, the list of anchors is sorted by the number of anchors in all selected glyphs: https://github.com/justanotherfoundry/freemix-glyphsapp/blob/109ca546db950047ed283b4eec025d88430ade9a/AnchorsPalette/Anchors.glyphsPalette/Contents/Resources/plugin.py#L94 I can change that to sorting by height, but what does that means?...
Implemented in https://github.com/justanotherfoundry/freemix-glyphsapp/commit/934fddb0a901ea2c467746c43daeea9f247ae0fd Looks good?
I suppose you refer to the Anchors palette? Sonds like a reasonable feature, I’ll consider that. Thanks for the suggestion. In the meantime, maybe there are some scripts over there...