**What is the current behavior?** * Solvers were relatively recently updated to be classes, that all seem to implement an init function and a solve function, which is called when...
Currently, the webapi in DESDEO2 (and also the old webapi) has important networking settings hard coded, like the web address where the database is located. The information needed to connect...
This is an issue with desdeo's implementation of GurobipySolver specifically, not with the actual gurobipy package. In a corner case situation, where some of the decision variables do not contribute...
Gurobipy optimizer supports quadratic constraints but the current solver/parser/evaluator implementation in desdeo does not. It would be nice to add them at some point, but it would take some effort,...
**What is the current behavior?** Currently, many parts of the code base assume that problems have ideals and nadirs defined. However, in practice we often cannot be sure that we...
Forest problem has hard coded ideal and nadir values at the moment. If comparing is set to False, these values are wrong. To fix this issue and to support different...
**What is the current behavior?** The current API implementation does not save duplicate solutions to the database, i.e. if the method finds a solution that already exists in the database,...
**What is the current behavior?** I believe that in the current implementation, none the interactive methods in the api ever specify what solver the mcdm side should use. This leads...
At least the SolutionArchive class in desdeo/api/db_models.py is expecting decision variable values to be stored as an array of floats. With the introduction of tensor variables an array of floats...