Jürgen W

Results 16 issues of Jürgen W

I have run into this: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/79365#issuecomment-505837218 We need to ensure the patch jobs have different labels/label values than the deployment so HPA does not consider the patch jobs in its...

Hi Love your work on this module btw, its super good. With the current beta and the move to MQTT I have noticed for no reason I can fathom my...


details here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/samson-users/C2rNoTNffAw/_rPV5CXiBgAJ

Please read https://github.com/coreos/etcd-operator/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#contribution-flow I hit the edge case that when it sorts, it thinks etcd_v1066060_2019-07-02-02:51:51 is smaller/older than etcd_v999523_2019-06-30-14:56:49 because it is sorting on the first digit only. Added all...

I am receiving the following error in my back resources status: ``` Reason: "failed to save snapshot (failed to write snapshot (MultipartUpload: upload multipart failed\n\tupload id: mgwLT4gdiZ8.z12PT7h3dTonKUpXH7zX6lKhpGL1hOoMKZKgHeMB_FW1KGo6GEf1P99z1DRjBSPNKjK7wfrJnyw0KksfjRd5ppaHeYkHcvLLJ_uYQ.XRH1Y5Jeo.YmeuRxcmJMhG6ox7_ kMZraNL1w--\ncaused by: RequestCanceled:...

I made a quick script to see what is going on, because I use this module in home-assistant. ```#!/usr/bin/env python from pyarlo import PyArlo arlo = PyArlo('juasdfe.asdf', '') print("devices ",...


https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ecgy6foslcczxj/Screenshot%202018-08-24%2009.54.44.png?dl=0 ``` api/datasources/proxy/1/api/v1/query_range?query=sum((avg(irate(node_cpu%7Bnodename%3D~%22ip-10-10-2-217_ap-southeast-2_compute_internal%22%2C%20mode%3D%22iowait%22%7D%5B5m%5D))%20*%20100))&start=1535068162&end=1535068462&step=60" ``` In the k8s-node dashboard you can select per node metrics, I find in the query inspector all `.` are being rewritten to `_` so the hostnames...

**Checklist:** - [x] I updated to the latest version available - [x] I cleared the cache of my browser - [x] I installed using HACS (leave unchecked for manual installs)...


Not sure if it is just me but I have not had this tool work in a while and my python skills are not that great. :\ basically trying to...

When this mod is enabled, my world rankings panel does not work/open/function. I have tried disabling and reenabling all mods, on latest Gathering Storm with a lot of the official...