Hi, would you mind to open this in Xcode, pick scheme XcodeBenchmark, target any iOS device, clean and build, and report the time, please? I compiled this project inside Xcode...
Thanks, that result is much closer to the expected compilation time. Clearly, Apple tools team will need to do some adjustments to xcodebuild. Current build times using that tool are...
I am using Xcode 13.3 and testing on M1 Max 32GB ram. What I find surprising is that compilation via sh script takes 93seconds, however, when I open this project...
@devMEremenko No, I did not. 67sec just with cleaning the project and build. So let's test it. Now I did also explicitly removed derived data, got 77seconds. Still faster than...
try new xcode 13.3 beta. I think that there are some fixes regarding to this.
Facing same problem. Trying to compile xcframework on Macbook Pro M1, % python --version Python 3.10.9 , cmake 3.25.2, xcode 14.2, MacOS 12.6.3 (Monterey). Tested on branch 4.x. python opencv/platforms/apple/build_xcframework.py...
same issue here. registering returns "internal server error". However, it seems that cookie is set and registering library works.
We use Moya as SPM dependency. All of us are on M1 Pro macbooks. Moya ver. 15.0.0. No issues. No Rosseta. Everything is running natively.
Considering that Moya is delivered in source form, compilation to whatever architecture depends only on your project setup. In the project build settings, check if you have standard architectures in...