Junyuan Chen

Results 16 issues of Junyuan Chen

If I run the example below and compare the residual degrees of freedom with that obtained from `reghdfe` using the same dataset, I get 1348 from `FixedEffectModels.jl` but 45 from...

When copying a column of type `DictEncoded`, the missing values in it are not handled. The resulting `PooledArray` does not have `missing` in its `pool`. Because of that, if one...

When installing this package on Windows with Julia nightly build (with GitHub action `julia-buildpkg`), I got the following error: ```julia Cloning [313cdc1a-70c2-5d6a-ae34-0150d3930a38] Indexing from https://github.com/andyferris/Indexing.jl.git ERROR: GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:Checkout, cannot checkout...

Operations like `() + term(:x)` and `termvars(())` are disallowed by #214. But, I actually find them convenient. I understand that empty tuples should not be turned into a `TupleTerm` (#213)....

Thank you for working on this! But, how should the not equal to character (≠) be typed? I am using LaTeX with CairoMakie.jl. Typing `\neq` gives an empty square and...

Depending on how the index ranges are specified, there are a few cases in which I get unexpected errors. For example, I am getting errors on something like this: ```julia...

Defining `dimension` in TransformVariables.jl brings a namespace conflict when the `dimension` functions from both LogDensityProblems.jl and this package are needed. Since the two packages are often used together, I suggest...

I notice that `copyto!` sometimes allocates. I guess this could be avoided by simply adding `@inline` in front of the `copyto!`s? Here is an example with BlockArrays: ```julia using BenchmarkTools...

With the current implementation, `mul!` involving a `CompositeMap` allocates an array for each intermediate step of the multiplications along the chain of maps. There are internal methods `_compositemul!` and `_compositemulN!`...

I notice that the PR for v0.2.0 release was never merged in the `General` registry and got closed automatically. There seems to be some confusion regarding the release process for...