Jun Peng Ong

Results 7 comments of Jun Peng Ong

hey @shcheklein, I would like to help migrate to google-auth & google-auth-oauthlib What are the plans for using oauth2client.Storage in the future for persisting credentials in a thread-safe manner? Storage...

@shcheklein Took a look at the Storage class and I think I can just update the `refresh` method for the google Credential object to have the above locked file read/write...

@shcheklein Scratch what I said previously. I found that the old google oauth2client's [Storage](https://github.com/googleapis/oauth2client/blob/master/oauth2client/file.py#L28) is used for post-refresh token read / write in [Client](https://github.com/googleapis/oauth2client/blob/master/oauth2client/client.py#L735). To replicate this, I think we...

hey @jonathanelscpt, the GoogleAuth in this library supports file-based service auth through: 1. specifying the service credential file name in the yaml config under `service_config > client_json_file_path` **_or_** specifying the...

At least, this is how it would be after my pull request above has been merged. Because the entire library's google auth is driven by the .yaml config file, I've...

@shcheklein I've raise a new PR above. Please do take a look when you have time

@shcheklein Not sure why but I don't see a button to request a reviewer for this PR. Are you able to help me here? Screenshot of what I see below...