
Results 8 issues of junoslukan

Could the categories be collapsed, so that only the top-most level categories would be shown? I use sub-categories by setting parent categories. The list is quite long and I always...

Would it be possible to select one *main* currency, into which all wallets in other currencies would be converted? In this way, the "total" wallet could actually show the total,...

Sometimes when trying to login, I get stuck at the "Deriving encryption data" step. I am using Firefox 87.0 on Ubuntu 20.04. As soon as I load the page, I...

As it stands, some abbreviations include periods, while others don't. Compare for example "Quality Assurance in Health Care" (Qual. Assur. Health Care) and "Quality Assurance in the Fish Industry" (Dev...

* [x] Provide a clear and succinct description of the problem (expected behavior vs actual behavior). * [x] Version 1.6.0 * [x] Ubuntu 20.04 as WSL on Windows 10 While...


APA 7th edition [requires](https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/headings) all levels of headings to use title case. Would it be possible to do this automatically when using `\section` etc.? At least in English, some words...

help wanted

#### Description Updated the 0xProto to v1.602. Compared to version 1.300 that is in Nerd Fonts, this one has characters which add support for more than 100 additional languages (see...

In Article type, the editor is printed as follows: > Author, A., & Bauthor, B. (2024). Article title (E. Editor, Ed.). Journal name, Vol(Iss). I do not think this should...