
Results 154 comments of Jun

Is there any progress on this PR?

Although not related to this issue, I think we can move the main package into `./cmd/runc` to keep the root path clean. I opened a PR https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/pull/3521 for it, WDYT.

@Random-Liu PTAL @containerd/committers What do other maintainers think?

I think the latest code(main branch) has fixed this issue, `containerd/continuity` has been upgraded to v0.3.0. https://github.com/containerd/continuity/blob/v0.3.0/fs/copy.go#L163-L165

Please sign your commit for DCO. https://github.com/apps/dco (run `git commit -a -s --amend`, and make sure that the `Signed-off-by: NAME ` line with your real name is included in the...

> @wtfacoconut There is a bug in containerd for different drive letters in Windows: [containerd/containerd#6589](https://github.com/containerd/containerd/issues/6589). Once that is fixed and this parsing error here is fixed, we would be able...

> Because in nerdctl the IP is allocated/released by host-local IPAM by > default and It actually clears the IP occupation, but just round-robin IP address. I haven't confirmed the...

> It will release after nerdctl rm I know that deleting the container can release the IP, I mean stop a container.

@obataku it always been like this

@dictcp Hi, are you still working on this PR? I need it too.