
Results 7 issues of junliang230

您好,我对贝叶斯算法实现中的先验概率有些疑惑 ` ### 计算概率 def calculate_probabilities(self, input_data): # summaries:{0.0: [(5.0, 0.37),(3.42, 0.40)], 1.0: [(5.8, 0.449),(2.7, 0.27)]} # input_data:[1.1, 2.2] probabilities = {} for label, value in self.model.items(): probabilities[label] = 1...

请问为什么clf = Perceptron(fit_intercept=False, max_iter=1000, shuffle=False)这里的fit_intercept要设置为false呢,这样不就没有截距了吗

have you tried to train with resnext backbone like this[https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/blob/master/example/image-classification/symbols/resnext.py, ](url)

it seems to spend too much time in collater process when loading train data. so the GPU is waiting this . do you have good idea to solve it? thanks

thanks for your work. when I try to figure out it, I have some probloms about this. could you help me to explain these? 1.why the bath_size is set to...

thanks for your work. when reading the test_net.py code, I do not find any code about BLR post process. Hasn't this part been released yet。 or just I miss somewhere...

why does the bbox_std value differ in different stages, What is this value based on???thanks