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An elegant package to visualize gene structures

Results 7 transPlotR issues
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我在使用trackVis遇到了一定的问题,我的代码如下: > file data save(data,file = 'Data.rda') > load('Data.rda') > mybw trackVis(bWData = mybw,chr = "Wnk4",region.min = 101167654,region.max = 101168235) 错误信息如下所示: Error in `combine_vars()`: ! Faceting variables must have at...

I use bedVis function to visualize one bed file, then get the error information: > Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec...

1. when I load my bigwig file, it only works on my current work directory, such as : `loadBigWig('../bigwig/my.bigwig')` and get: `Error in $

Hi Junjun, I am wondering is there any way to show transcript fusion in a large scale. Thanks


# coding gene trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf1, Chr = 17, posStart = 36783355, posEnd = 36783400) Error in `map()`: ℹ In index: 1. Caused by error in `dplyr::filter()`: ℹ In argument:...