Junha Lee

Results 2 issues of Junha Lee

Hi, Thanks for your awesome work and the code. Could you share the code for visualizing ERF as Fig 1 in your paper? Best.

Hello, Thank you for your time and for sharing your work! I'm interested in reproducing the generated caption dataset provided in [here](https://connecthkuhk-my.sharepoint.com/personal/jhyang13_connect_hku_hk/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fjhyang13%5Fconnect%5Fhku%5Fhk%2FDocuments%2Fpretrained%5Fmodels%2Fregionplc%2Fcaption%5Ffiles%2Fscannet&ga=1). However, I couldn't find specific instructions on how...